11th IMSSU World Championship vom 14. – 26. Juli 2014 in Ludvicovice Tschechien

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(Click the pictures for an enlarged view)

The Swiss Team from left:

Hans-Peter Kobelt, Balgach,  Beni Paolini, Steinmaur, und Marcel Geering, Dällikon

The Range on the right side seen in the satelite view.
The Tecnical Jury is inspecting the rang to ensure a regular event for all participants.  
  Beni takes a close look at the Big Bore Sighter.  
  Match Director Klara performing the Opening Speach, followed by the Safety Briefing.
On the right side, IMSSU President Rob Boucher.

The range, once completed, was excellent; The white sand gave a good contrast, not to hard, but still good enough in the most light condidtions.

Show me your Shirt, and I will tell you where you come from.  


Always time for some small talk:


A few impression from the rifle range:    
  The Sri Lankan Rifle Team with their open trailer; That put me a big smile on my face ;-)  
He just shot a new Sri Lankan Record   

A few impression from the pistol range:  
Ready, but used only a few times.. the yellow one !   

Hampi an Marcel
at work; Marcell shooting his BBU Disziplin.
Gerald . .  either too later or too early . .   
  Beni is enjoying the best place on the range for a short break.  
A big compliment to Klara, who runs the show every day togehther with her staff.    
  The score keeper ladies and the once . .

. . on the range always did a superb job.

Gun check right befor the event, to make sure, eveybody uses his previous tecnical checked gun.    


On the range, always something new to discover..  
Small Bore Unlimited: The prone position seems to be the way to go..  
Marcel and Beni discussing the shots in the waiting time.    
  Thomas Niessner, with the conventional position on the way to the Gold Medaille  
  Marcel and Beni in the last relay at the Rams.  
Beni on the way to a good 11. Place in FieldPistole any Sight!  
  While Papa is shooting his event, Mama ist knitting a pair of fine socks; Because the next winter in Finland will come ;-)
Thomas and Silvia; A good an succesful team for years; Thomas wins the Gold Medal in BB Standing.  
Marcel during his Standing Eevent 

Ram Nr 4 . . .

. . and Turkey Nr. 5.. just missed

during his BBU event; A moment to relax.  

At the end with 39 points a new VSMS record and a surprising 2. Place in the final over all score list. 

Jonny.. always present ;-)  
The Italien Team, always in good mood !
Rain, only for a short moment.  
Hampi in the first of the two Shoot-Off; One went well, . . .
. .  . the other not so well ;-)

Pictures courtesy from the French Forum, see link below. 
These Ladies kicked many guys a.. .. Hanna and Petra



Here the Czech Website with the resulats and mayve later, some more pictures;  
Here the IMSSU Website with the news from the event:

Report from the SSV Online-Website

(Archiv VSMS)


For more picture and a kind of a French Diary check out the forum "Forum Tir Sportif et Entrainement" 



Report in French from the FFTir Website



Big Bore / Grosskaliber Revolver
Small Bore / Kleinkaliber Revolver
Feldpistol / Feldpistolen Production
Production any Sight
Standing Aggregate
VSMS Results
Scorecards (~6.3 MB)



Check out the other Members Website for more reports and information.  


IMSSU - http://www.imssu.org/

Irsko - http://sites.google.com/site/irishsilhouetteshooter/

Rakousko - http://www.asfa.at/main.php?lang=en&cat=root

Německo - http://www.bds-silhouette.de/
Dánsko - http://www.dsf.dk/
Francie - http://www.fftir.org/
Nový Zéland - http://www.pistolnz.org.nz/
Norsko - http://www.metallsilhuett.no/

JAR - http://www.samssa.org.za/


Švédsko - http://www.laget.se/smf/

Finsko - http://www.imssu-fin.net/en/index.html

Švýcarsko - http://www.vsms.org/


Lucembursko - http://www.sscb.lu/


US - http://www.nra.org/home.aspx




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